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Koerner has more than 25 years of experience and research, worldwide patents, and customers in 50 countries worldwide.

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We protect people and the environment.
Learn about us. By means of multimedia.


The magazine - 25 years of trust and reliability

Leaf through our 1st edition on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of "Koerner Chemieanlagenbau Gesellschaft m.b.H.":

From the Contents

  • "Galvanising Plants That Meet The Highest Standards" Interview with Managing Director Wurm
  • International References
  • Employee Statements

KVK Benefits

KVK's complete product range KVK's complete product range As a general contractor, Koerner plans your individual galvanising plant, builds it into a turnkey system, and trains your staff.
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Plants Around the World

Cairo & Jeddah – Helal Elsewedy Cairo & Jeddah – Helal Elsewedy Koerner delivered the first galvanising plant to Cairo in 1999. Two other plants followed in Cairo and Jeddah.
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